Wednesday, January 20, 2016

No more taking movies at face value...

Howdy folks, Daver here. Some of you may have noticed that my movie blog "Movies at Face Value" is no longer in existence. A few of you. Ok, that one guy in back. Hey, that's my seat! Get out NOW.

Where was I. Right, the old blog. So, my friend Katie was actually in charge of that one. Well, real life intrudes, and when the fire goes out then what can you do. The blog hadn't been updated for months, so presumably she pulled the plug for lack of interest.

But I still wanted to write and review and shtuff! So here we are, a new blog, new title, and digging deeper than face value of movies that catch my interest. So nothing's really changing, for those of you who were actually reading. It'll be fun, trust me!

Now then, I'll be taking my seat back, in the back row. Ok, just between you and me, the new blog title comes from Rocky Horror shadowcasts. See, part of their callbacks is yelling out "FUCK THE BACK ROW!" So, being inspired by Batman: The Animated Series and Kevin Conroy's "I. AM. BATMAN!" line, one night at a show I replied, "I AM THE BACK ROW!" It amused me, what the hell. And nobody else has that as a review column title. So I'm running with it.

Let's get to it, aye?

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